Testimonials & Gallery.

It all begins with mentorship.

Mentee Testimonials.


  • "I will always be grateful to Wendy for believing in me. She gives the confidence needed to face challenges present on the job.”


  • “I cannot express how much I appreciate her realness. Very authentic and makes me feel comfortable seeking advice. I also very highly respect her come up story and style of confidence, and that part of her comes across in all interactions I’ve had with her. It’s empowering to say the least. She has provided pieces of wisdom that take me out of my own experience and help me look objectively and helped in connecting me with peers that are genuine and giving me a gateway to opening that network connection”.


  • “She is very positive and a strong woman in the business world, her constant encouragement is what is most impactful.”.


  • “Sometimes Wendy recommends a path or decision to me, and after mulling over it, I decide to take the other route. While it wasn't her recommendation, she is always supportive. I appreciate that so much. Wendy always knows who to put me in contact with if I she doesn't know the answer to something or isn't the best person to issue advice on a specific topic. She's like the LexisNexis of people who can give advice.”


  • “I think building a larger network and connecting mentees with more people is so important! Wendy has done that for me, and I would love to have coffee/lunch with her plus other people to facilitate those relationships. Wendy is honest in a respectful way. I always feel like she has my best interest in mind and will give me the best advice possible. She’s pragmatic and not going to sugarcoat things, which is really important to me. I can trust what she is saying.”

    Sally Grace

  • “I think Wendy already knows this, but she has a special skill set when it comes to bringing together exceptional young women and making us feel like valued equals despite our lack of experience. Entering the workforce can be daunting, but Wendy fosters excitement and has reminded me of my value, skills, and ability to be an asset many times. Keep it up, I have appreciated it immensely! Wendy's connections with professionals, and all the advice that she has to offer as an accomplished woman in the political sector have been extremely helpful. I think the most impactful part of the experience is her network of informal mentees and quasi-mentees. In my job search, it was so helpful to speak with other young women in my position with similar interests and career goals. Wendy fostered those connections and had a knack for being one of the girls while still being a respected mentor. I ended up getting my job through networking with one of her informal mentees!”


  • “The most valuable aspect of Wendy’s mentorship is her experience in the political world!”


  • “Her natural knack for encouraging people around her and uplifting nature is a big part of what makes her such an effective mentor-and passion for investing time and energy in young women with potential. Wendy is a brilliant sounding board and unwavering motivator. When decisions have felt daunting, Wendy has been a voice of clarity and support. Beyond that, just generally getting to know Wendy and about her professional trajectory has been helpful for my thinking about my future. You learn best though exposure about what options are out there, what skills enable success, and what creating a career entails. I've also met extremely interesting people through Wendy!”


  • “SHE IS SUCH A GREAT LISTENER!! And is incredibly giving. Wendy wears her heart on her sleeve and with discipline and self-love, consistently stays true to herself. I want to be like Wendy when I grow up! The most impactful advice I received has involved working hard, carrying myself with dignity, and taking care of myself before I care for others.”


  • “Wendy's transparency and honest nature has helped me take a more pragmatic approach to my career and my move to DC from California. I appreciate this, as it helped me balance out both my pessimistic AND optimistic approaches surrounding my career to a realistic level. I am in a position that was my first choice after I graduated college, and I think this balanced approach is helping me enjoy what I do so much - and it helped me envision a life for myself that several years ago I would not have thought to be possible. I think Wendy does a great job of applying lessons learned from her field to fields that may not necessarily be the same - in my case, it has helped me draw upon common themes and learn about areas of work that I'm not as familiar with."
